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Problems and prospects in early childhood education provisioning in Turkey and South Africa 
Early Childhood Education (ECE) in South Africa: Black student teachers’ views on push and pull forces in their training 
PIEECE project: recognition of prior learning [procedures] 
Year: 2017 
Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP): the case for Recognition of Prior Learning sites and knowledges in South Africa’s transforming education system 
Early childhood mathematics: a pilot study in preservice teacher education 
Parents supporting learning: a non-intensive intervention supporting literacy and numeracy in the home learning environment 
Teachers’ characteristics and students’ attitude towards economics in secondary schools: students’ perspectives 
The educators', learners' and parents' understanding regarding inclusion 
Year: 2005 
Thirty-one is a lot! Assessing four-year-old children's number knowledge during an open-ended activity 
Articulating a rights-based argument for mathematics teaching and learning in early childhood education