
Author: Cohrssen, Caroline [ All ]

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  Title Copies
‘Is that what we do?’ Using a conversation-analytic approach to highlight the contribution of dialogic reading strategies to educator-child interactions during storybook reading in two early childhood settings 
Articulating a rights-based argument for mathematics teaching and learning in early childhood education 
Children’s mathematical and verbal competence in different early education and care programmes in Australia 
Conversation analysis: analyzing talk-in-interaction with preschool children during play-based mathematics activities 
Year: 2017 
Early childhood mathematics: a pilot study in preservice teacher education 
Home learning environment and concept formation: a family intervention study with kindergarten children 
Improving preschoolers’ numerical abilities by enhancing the home numeracy environment 
Mathematics knowledge in early childhood: intentional teaching in the third turn 
Meeting the Australian National Quality Standards: a case study of the professional learning needs of early childhood educators 
Parents supporting learning: a non-intensive intervention supporting literacy and numeracy in the home learning environment