New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Communication of psycho-educational assessment results: remedial teachers' reading of assessment reports 
The impact on the family dynamic of having a child and sibling with Down syndrome 
Year: 2011 
How can educators in the intermediate phase be empowered to cope with the demands they face in an inclusive classroom situation? 
Year: 2010 
Integration of values into management of learners' discipline in Ugandan schools 
Year: 2013 
An investigation on the opinions of teachers on the policy implementation of life orientation curriculum: a case study of five schools in Cofimvaba Education District 
Year: 2014 
Case study of the experiences of former street children as learners: implications for teaching and learning 
Year: 2013 
Sign language in South Africa: language planning and policy challenges 
Year: 2011 
Exploring the use of interactive teaching and learning strategies in HIV and AIDS education 
Year: 2010 
Investigating the challenges faced by educators in implementing arts and culture in the RNCS in Libode schools 
Year: 2012 
Teachers' perspectives on the implementation of life orientation as a learning area 
Year: 2007