Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
An investigation into understanding of academic literacies of students registered in Early Childhood Development courses 
Year: 2014 
An investigation into the visual literacy skills of Black primary-school children from an informal settlement in Cape Town, with particular reference to visual imagery in educational textbooks 
Year: 1997 
An investigation into the relationship between kinesthetic sensitivity and balancing ability in pre-school children 
Year: 1991 
An investigation into the promotion of productive learning dispositions in government policies and teacher assessment in Grade R and Grade 1 
Year: 2015 
An investigation into the mathematics teaching practices of non-isiXhosa-speaking teachers teaching isiXhosa-speaking 3rd Graders through the medium of Afrikaans 
Year: 2015 
An investigation into the experiences of teachers using the Singapore mathematics curriculum in South Africa 
Year: 2012 
An investigation into practical interventions for quality early childhood development: The Siyakhulisa Project 
An investigation into Grade R teachers' experiences of implementing numeracy in Grade R 
Year: 2011 
An introduction to Vygotsky 
Year: 1996 
An interpretive use of drawings to explore the lived experiences of orphaned children living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa 
Year: 2004