New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
The development of an effective multi-media distance education programme for in-service teachers 
Year: 1996 
Religious education as a multi-process curriculum 
Year: 1996 
Drawings as imaginative expressions of philosophical ideas in a Grade 2 South African literacy classroom 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 23081422 
Pro-poor education : an analysis of key policies guiding funding to basic education at a primary level in South Africa 
Year: 2007 
An investigation of the needs of primary school educators in the Cape Metropolitan area working with learners who have English as a second language 
Year: 2006 
Educators' perceptions and practices regarding early literacy instruction and language issues in a Cape Town township primary school 
Year: 2011 
Review of social impact bonds in the South African educational sector 
Year: 2017 
Islamic feminist reflection of pedagogy and gender praxis in South African madaris 
Year: 2013 
Building bridges to primary education in Mauritius? emergent literacy experiences in a foreign language context : a case study of preschool children 
Year: 2008 
Key legislative developments affecting children in 2007