
Author: Proudlock, Paula [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Analysis of the 2008/09 budget of the Western Cape provincial Department of Social Development : is the budget adequate to implement the Children's Act? 
Year: 2008 
Analysis of the 2008/09 Budgets of the 9 provincial departments of Social Development: are the budgets adequate to implement the Children's Act? 
Year: 2008 
ISBN 13: 9780799223446 
Analysis of the 2009/10 budgets of the nine provincial departments of social development: are the budgets adequate to implement the Children's Act? 
Year: 2009 
Are children's rights prioritised at a time of budget cuts? Assessing the adequacy of the 2013/14 social development budgets for funding of Children's Act services 
Year: 2009 
Budget allocations for implementing the Children's Act 
Budgeting for children's care, development and protection 
Year: 2012 
Child centred analysis of Government’s budgets 2010 - 2012 
Year: 2010 
Children's Bill Working Group workshop report on the draft Children's Amendment Bill (28 - 29 March 2006) 
Year: 2006 
Children's Institute submission to Parliament on the Draft Policy on Financial Awards for Service Providers 
Year: 2011 
From sidelines to centre stage : the inclusion of children with disabilities in the Children's Act 
Year: 2009 
ISBN 13: 9780981432038