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How policy discourses and contextual realities influence environmental teaching and learning processes in early childhood development: a case study of the Raglan Road child care centre
Rhodes University, Department of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
1 |
Investigating teaching and learning within three Eastern Cape reception year classrooms
Rhodes University, Department of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
1 |
Educare work in Ciskei with special reference to the Keiskammahoek district
Rhodes University, Department of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
1 |
An investigation into the promotion of productive learning dispositions in government policies and teacher assessment in Grade R and Grade 1
Rhodes University, Department of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
1 |
Assisting in-service grade R teachers to nurture the holistic development of the five to seven year old child through music : a participatory approach
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, School of Music, Art and Design, Port Elizabeth |
Thesis |
1 |
Learning organisations: an exploration of the extent to which early childhood development non-government organisations (NGOS) in the Eastern Cape Province are learning organisations
University of Fort Hare, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Alice |
Thesis |
1 |
Understanding educator-mediated conflict resolution in a preschool environment: the experiences and feelings of preschool educators
Rhodes University, Faculty of Humanities, Psychology, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
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An investigation of how visual arts can be used to teach mathematical concepts of space and shape in Grade R
Rhodes University, Department of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
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An investigation into understanding of academic literacies of students registered in Early Childhood Development courses
Rhodes University, Faculty of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
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An investigation into Grade R teachers' experiences of implementing numeracy in Grade R
Rhodes University, Department of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
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