Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
Transcending narratives: narrative inquiry as a means to communicative action 
Teachers’ characteristics and students’ attitude towards economics in secondary schools: students’ perspectives 
The effects of cooperative learning on students’ economics achievement and attitude towards economics 
Year: 2015 
The relationship between pre-service trainee teachers and learners in the foundation phase 
Thought and language / Lev Vygotsky ; edited and translated by Eugenia Hanfmann, Gertrude Vakar, and Alex Kozulin ; new foreword by Alex Kozulin 
Edition: Rev. and expanded ed. 
Year: 2012 
ISBN 13: 9780262306751 
The Effective Provision of Pre-School education (EPPE) Project: final report: a longitudinal study funded by the DfES 1997-2004 
Year: 2004 
The neo-Vygotskian approach to child development 
Year: 2005 
Thirty-one is a lot! Assessing four-year-old children's number knowledge during an open-ended activity 
The sooner, the better: early reading to children 
Year: 2016 
Teaching practice: its purpose and implementation