Results for "T"

Page 10 of 22

  Title Copies
Teachers' beliefs about child participation in Grade R 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
Teaching natural science in the foundation phase : teachers’ understanding of the natural science curriculum 
Year: 2012 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The role of working memory in childhood education : five questions and answers 
Year: 2015 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The implementation of the right to education in South Africa and Nigeria 
Year: 2011 
The impact of the mentally retarded child on the family living in the rural areas of the Transkei 
Year: 1995 
The child support grant in the Mdantsane and Potsdam communities 
Year: 2015 
The lot of our children is labour not school 
Year: 2017 
The development of an inclusive approach in early childhood education in Namibia 
Year: 2005 
Teachers’ perceptions and value of Yoruba as a medium of instruction in primary 3 classes 
The effects of cooperative learning on students’ economics achievement and attitude towards economics 
Year: 2015