Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
A formative evaluation of the Ndinogona 'I can' stimulation programme 
Year: 2016 
An exploration of teacher perceptions and actions to conserve wetlands in Kenya 
Year: 2004 
An ecosystemic school governance model for combating the impact of the HIV 
Year: 2011 
A systematic review of the influence of parenting on the development of antisocial behaviour 
Year: 2013 
A teaching and learning programme to enhance the teaching and learning needs of visually impaired learners in an inclusive natural sciences classroom 
Year: 2010 
An exploratory study of the challenges and opportunities that early childhood development centre principals experience in providing services to children in Gugulethu Township, Cape Town 
Year: 2014 
A critical investigation into the managerial implications of inclusive education 
Year: 2002 
An investigation on the opinions of teachers on the policy implementation of life orientation curriculum: a case study of five schools in Cofimvaba Education District 
Year: 2014 
An overview of co-operative governance structures relevant to children in South Africa 
Year: 2008 
Analysis of the 2008/09 budget of the Western Cape provincial Department of Social Development : is the budget adequate to implement the Children's Act? 
Year: 2008