Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
Adaptation of the mathematics recovery programme to facilitate progression in the early arithmetic strategies of Grade 2 learners in Zambia 
Year: 2017 
An ethnographic account of teaching and learning of the first Grade R programme in a developing school in 2010 in a black urban community 
Year: 2013 
A revision of a section of the hearing and speech scale of the Griffiths Scales of Mental Development 
Year: 2004 
A critical investigation of selected Cape and Transkei environment study programmes in junior primary schools 
Year: 1993 
A comparative study of syllables and morphemes as literacy processing units in word recognition: IsiXhosa and SeTswana 
Year: 2016 
A support programme for foundation phase English Second Language educators to improve the teaching of phonological awareness 
Year: 2015 
A case study of multigrade teaching in Canada: implications for South Africa 
Year: 2000 
A creativity development model to enhance educator security: a labour law perspective 
Year: 2009 
An investigation into the visual literacy skills of Black primary-school children from an informal settlement in Cape Town, with particular reference to visual imagery in educational textbooks 
Year: 1997 
An improved mentoring model for student teachers on practicum in primary schools in Zimbabw 
Year: 2013