Results for "A"

Page 10 of 14

  Title Copies
An investigation into Grade R teachers' experiences of implementing numeracy in Grade R 
Year: 2011 
A strategy for a mini–education system to support transformational development in a developing community 
Year: 2011 
A case study: tracing the development of emergent literacy in a Grade R class 
Year: 2007 
An inclusive approach to dealing with HIV/AIDS at schools 
Year: 2005 
App-based intervention for children with reading difficulties : a description of five cases 
Year: 2014 
An implementation of the faith development model of James Fowler in religious education in South Africa 
Year: 1996 
An investigation into the experiences of teachers using the Singapore mathematics curriculum in South Africa 
Year: 2012 
An improved support program for Free State educators affected by the HIV 
Year: 2010 
An investigation of how environmental learning and teaching support materials (LTSM) can influence team planning and teaching and learning activities in the Foundation Phase 
Year: 2007 
A neurodevelopmental movement programme for 4-8 year old hearing impaired children in the rural QwaQwa region of South Africa 
Year: 2012