Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
An implementation of the faith development model of James Fowler in religious education in South Africa 
Year: 1996 
An investigation into the experiences of teachers using the Singapore mathematics curriculum in South Africa 
Year: 2012 
An improved support program for Free State educators affected by the HIV 
Year: 2010 
A pre-R year: is it worth it, and what would it cost? An applied policy analysis/critique focused on the practical, financial and policy implications of increasing support to the pre-R year in South Africa 
Year: 2012 
An investigation of how environmental learning and teaching support materials (LTSM) can influence team planning and teaching and learning activities in the Foundation Phase 
Year: 2007 
A neurodevelopmental movement programme for 4-8 year old hearing impaired children in the rural QwaQwa region of South Africa 
Year: 2012 
An exploratory case study of a Foundation Phase learning program to examine how curriculum contextualisation contributes to environmental learning and relevance 
Year: 2012 
Accountability in education : meeting our commitments 
Year: 2017 
ISBN 13: 9789231002397 
A case study of the language policy in practice in the foundation phase of schooling 
Year: 2002 
A collaborative approach to facilitating learner support by teachers in a full-service school 
Year: 2016