Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
Towards a leadership programme for primary school principals as instructional leaders 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The status and the power of a foundation phase teacher 
Year: 2014 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The reading literacy profiles of first-year BEd foundation phase students 
Year: 2014 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The use of workbooks in South African grade 3 mathematics classrooms 
Year: 2014 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
Test items and translation : capturing early conceptual development in mathematics reliably? 
Year: 2012 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
Teaching natural science in the foundation phase : teachers’ understanding of the natural science curriculum 
Year: 2012 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The unavoidable need for distributed cognition in teaching literacy 
Year: 2011 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The identification of sensory processing difficulties of learners experiencing Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) in two mainstream Grade R classes 
Year: 2011 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The endangered subject of quality Visual Art education 
Year: 2011 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
The educational and psychological support of educators to include learners from child-headed homes in urban classrooms 
Year: 2011 
ISSN: 2223-7682