
Publisher: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education, Port Elizabeth [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Exploring the use of interactive teaching and learning strategies in HIV and AIDS education 
Year: 2010 
Factors influencing the implementation of mathematical word problems in foundation phase classrooms: theory and practice 
Year: 2012 
Foundation phase teachers' continuous professional development 
Year: 2012 
How can educators in the intermediate phase be empowered to cope with the demands they face in an inclusive classroom situation? 
Year: 2010 
How can educators in the intermediate phase be empowered to cope with the demands they face in an inclusive classroom situation? 
Year: 2010 
How can I create a stimulating environment to promote awareness of and love for reading in my classroom? 
Year: 2009 
Inclusive education: a model for in-service teachers 
Year: 2007 
Integration of values into management of learners' discipline in Ugandan schools 
Year: 2013 
Investigating strategies to improve reading levels of learners in an Eastern Cape community 
Year: 2014 
Leadership's influence on the holistic development of learners with barriers to learning 
Year: 2012