Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
An interpretive use of drawings to explore the lived experiences of orphaned children living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Rhodes University, Faculty of Humanities, Psychology, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
2 |
Children's learning in the diverse sociocultural context of South Africa
Taylor & Francis Online, London |
E-Journals |
1 |
Government funding of ECD services : deciding factors
Ilifa Labantwana, Claremont, Cape Town |
E-Journals |
1 |
A critical analysis of Public Administration policies and strategies towards assisting child headed household, at Amathole District
University of Fort Hare, Faculty of Management & Commerce, Alice |
Thesis |
1 |
The relationship between pre-service trainee teachers and learners in the foundation phase
Taylor & Francis Online, London |
E-Journals |
1 |
Funding the Children's Act : assessing the adequacy of the 2012/13 budgets of the provincial departments of social development : summary
University of Cape Town, Children's Institute, Cape Town |
Publications |
1 |
Learning to read in English : comparing monolingual English and bilingual Zulu-English Grade 3 learners
Aosis OpenJournals, Durbanville, Cape Town |
E-Journals |
1 |
The implementation of the right to education in South Africa and Nigeria
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Law, Port Elizabeth |
Thesis |
1 |
Comparative studies in mathematics literacy/education: a literature review
Taylor & Francis Online, London |
E-Journals |
1 |
Setatamente se se Boeleditswego sa Kharikhulamo ya Bosetshaba sa Dikreiti tsa R-9 (Dikolo)
Department of Education, Pretoria |
E-Books |
1 |