Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
The impact of the mentally retarded child on the family living in the rural areas of the Transkei 
Year: 1995 
The child support grant in the Mdantsane and Potsdam communities 
Year: 2015 
Teachers' perspectives on inclusion of disabled learners in Botswana 
Year: 2011 
The impact of child sexual abuse (CSA) on the school life experiences and academic performance of adult CSA survivors 
Year: 2010 
The development of an inclusive approach in early childhood education in Namibia 
Year: 2005 
The design and use of an outdoor learning environment for sensory and motor stimulation 
Year: 2016 
Teachers' perceptions and implementation of Religion Education in the Foundation Phase 
Year: 2016 
The socio-educational development of children of street vendors in Ghana 
Year: 2015 
Teaching the mathematical concept of time in Grade 2 
Year: 2015 
The impact of the intensity of a contextualised phonics intervention on striving second grade readers 
Year: 2015