Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
A critical investigation of selected Cape and Transkei environment study programmes in junior primary schools
Rhodes University, Faculty of Education, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
1 |
A formative evaluation of the Ndinogona 'I can' stimulation programme
University of Cape Town, Institute for Monitoring and Evaluation, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
A foundation for foundation phase teacher education : making wise educational judgements
Aosis OpenJournals, Durbanville, Cape Town |
E-Journals |
1 |
A guide to Early Childhood Development programmes in SA
Ilifa Labantwana, Claremont, Cape Town |
Publications |
1 |
A historical subject-didactical genetic analysis of Life Skills education in early childhood
North West University, Potchefstroom |
Thesis |
1 |
A learning pathway for whole numbers that informs mathematics teaching in the early years
Aosis OpenJournals, Durbanville, Cape Town |
E-Journals |
1 |
A living theory to facilitate the improvement of teacher morale
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education, Port Elizabeth |
Thesis |
1 |
A mathematics competence test for Grade 1 children migrates from Germany to South Africa
Aosis OpenJournals, Durbanville, Cape Town |
E-Journals |
1 |
A neurodevelopmental movement programme for 4-8 year old hearing impaired children in the rural QwaQwa region of South Africa
North West University, Potchefstroom |
Thesis |
1 |
A platform for computer-assisted multilingual literacy development
Rhodes University, Faculty of Science, Grahamstown |
Thesis |
1 |