Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
How do we know what to do? The importance of experimentation in designing programmes and policies to improve South African schooling
University of Cape Town, Centre for Social Science Research, Cape Town |
E-Books |
1 |
Indicators of performance in South Africa's public school system
University of Cape Town, Centre for Social Science Research, Cape Town |
E-Books |
1 |
Pro-poor education : an analysis of key policies guiding funding to basic education at a primary level in South Africa
University of Cape Town, Department of Political Studies, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
Children need others : triggers for playfulness in pre-schoolers with multiple disabilities living within an informal settlement
Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa, Hatfield, Pretoria |
E-Journals |
1 |
Discovering the barriers that stop children with disabilities from being children : the impact of lack of access to mobility devices - a human rights perspective
Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa, Hatfield, Pretoria |
E-Journals |
1 |
Factors shaping pre-service teacher identities in a South African HIV/AIDS context : an examination of experience, knowledge and perceptions
University of Cape Town, Aids and Society Research Unit, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
Youth fitness testing in South African primary school children : national normative data, fitness and fatness, and effects of socioeconomic status
University of Cape Town, Department of Human Biology, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
National identity in South African children's literature
University of Cape Town, African Studies, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
The Children's Act : providing a strong foundation for caring for vulnerable children
National Association of Child Care Workers, [place of publication not identified] |
E-Journals |
1 |
The 'Ten Commandments' of treating preschool children who wheeze
Medpharm Publications, Centurion |
E-Journals |
1 |