Results for "I"

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  Title Copies
Intergenerational shifts and continuities in children's play within a rural Venda family in the early 20th and 21st centuries 
Year: 2009 
Implementation of an attention training program with children who have sustained traumatic brain injuries in South Africa 
Year: 2015 
Isitatimende esibukeziwe sohlelo lwezifundo sikazwelonke samabanga R-9 (ezikoleni). Izilimi : IsiZulu - Ulimi olwengeziwe lokuqala 
Year: 2002 
ISBN: 1919917802 
Izakhono zobomi ngesiXhosa. Ibanga loku-1, Incwadi yesi-2, Ikota 3 & 4 
Edition: 2nd ed. 
Year: 2013 
ISBN 13: 9781431502431 
Integrasie van wiskunde, wetenskap en tegnologie in vroeëkinderonderwys en die grondslagfase: die rol van die professionele identiteitsvorming van beginneronderwysers 
Integrasie van musiek en stories as 'n effektiewe benadering tot die ontwikkeling van fonologiese bewuswording vir Afrikaanssprekende graad 1-leerders 
Year: 2015 
Inclusive education and insufficient school readiness in Grade 1 : policy versus practice 
Year: 2014 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
IsiTatimende SeKharikhyulamu EsiBuyekeziweko SeliZweloke IGreyidi R-9 (Iinkolo). AmaLimi : IsiNdebele - ILimi LesiBili LokwEngeza 
Year: 2002 
ISBN: 1919917349 
Interrogating quality in early childhood development: working towards a South African perspective 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
Inclusive ECD for parents of children with disabilities 
Year: 2015 
Series: Ilifa Insights