Results for "H"

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  Title Copies
HIV and AIDS lifeskills and sexuality education primary school programme: resource guide 
Year: 2006 
HIV/AIDS impact on childhood mortality and childhood mortality measurement : from the perspective of Kenyan and Malawian DHS data 
Year: 2008 
Home learning environment and concept formation: a family intervention study with kindergarten children 
Home literacy activities : accounting for differences in early grade literacy outcomes in low-income families in Zambia 
Year: 2017 
ISSN: 2223-7682 
Home visiting for households with children not in formal ECD : evidence from the Sobambisana Initiative 
Year: 2012 
Home visiting to improve maternal and child health 
Year: 2015 
Series: Ilifa Insights 
Home-school communication in a rural South African village: implications for teaching and teacher education 
ISSN: 0160-5429 
How can educators in the intermediate phase be empowered to cope with the demands they face in an inclusive classroom situation? 
Year: 2010 
How can educators in the intermediate phase be empowered to cope with the demands they face in an inclusive classroom situation? 
Year: 2010 
How can I create a stimulating environment to promote awareness of and love for reading in my classroom? 
Year: 2009