
Author: Budlender, Debbie [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Government funding for early childhood development : can those who need it get it? 
Year: 2011 
Government funding for early childhood development 
Year: 2011 
Funding of learnerships for early childhood development practitioners : who, how much, how many and how? 
Year: 2015 
Development of a subsidy model for home- and community-based early childhood development services for children 0-5 
Child centred analysis of Government’s budgets 2010 - 2012 
Year: 2010 
Funding the Children's Act: assessing the adequacy of the 2011/12 budget of the Free State department of social development 
Year: 2011 
Recommendations for child-centred changes to the budget 
Year: 2010 
The Children's Act has commenced: are the 2010/11 budgets of the provincial departments of social development adequate to implement it? 
Year: 2011 
Children's Institute submission to Parliament on the Draft Policy on Financial Awards for Service Providers 
Year: 2011 
Funding the Children's Act: assessing the adequacy of the 2011/12 budgets of the provincial departments of social development 
Year: 2011