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Building bridges to primary education in Mauritius? emergent literacy experiences in a foreign language context : a case study of preschool children
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
Educators' perceptions and practices regarding early literacy instruction and language issues in a Cape Town township primary school
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
Waiting to learn : an analysis of instruction in four preschool settings in poor contexts
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
Curriculum 2005 and (post)modernising African languages : the quantum leap
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
Current literacy instructional practices in a Grade One classroom within the context of the South African Outcomes-based curriculum : a case study
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
1 |
The influence of music in the development of reading in foundation phase learners : a socio-cultural case study of a South African primary school
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
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Understanding influences in policy-making : whole-school evaluation and discourse : a critique
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
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An analysis of the impact of a geometry course on pre-service teachers understanding of geometry
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
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School science for six-year-olds : a neo-Vygotskian approach to curriculum analysis
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
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Policy at the chalk face : a case study of the implementation of the developmental appraisal system in a primary school
University of Cape Town, School of Education, Cape Town |
Thesis |
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