
Series: Scaling up early childhood development (ECD) (0-4 years) in South Africa [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Towards a job hierarchy for ECD provision and supervision in South Africa and the fit of low-skill service providers 
Expanding home and community based early childhood development services for children 0-5 through increasing access to finances: Development a funding model for HCB ECD 
Development of a subsidy model for home- and community-based early childhood development services for children 0-5 
Illustrative cases of on-the-ground delivery models for holistic ECD services: formal, community and household 
A review of training qualifications, training provision and training delivery in relation to the needs of the National Integrated Plan for ECD and the ECD component of the expanded public works programme 
ECD in South Africa: policy, demographics, child outcomes, service provision and targeting 
The availability of government indicator systems for monitoring the national integrated plan for ECD 
Child and caregiver outcome indicators for ECD programme monitoring 
What makes a difference to child outcomes in the period 0-4? Inputs for quality ECD interventions