Technical report 3 Developing appropriate financing models to enable the scale-up of ECD services
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ECCE, Preschool
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Ilifa Labantwana, Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa
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29 p.
Early childhood care and education (ECCE), Preschool education, ECD services, Funding, Budgets, Norms and standards, ECD costing, South Africa
Series Name
‘An important aspect of Ilifa Labantwana’s current work is … to define the content of the service delivery programmes and management structures that the government needs to put in place in order to deliver on the Essential Package of ECD services. Once this work has been done, it will lay a valuable foundation for defining national norms and standards, and, in so doing, provide a basis for preparing credible budgets for ECD. While the funding of ECD services is non-mandatory, ECD is a key government priority, therefore the national government is inclined to favourably regard well-motivated budget bids for additional funds for ECD. These require convincing implementation plans and costed budgets. Budget bids supported by credible implementation plans are more likely to be funded. Budgeting in government is a complicated process involving a range of ingredients, thus there is scope for more deliberate strategising about how to influence key processes and people directly related to budget processes. Knowledge about the costs of ECD programmes can help ensure that when national policies promoting ECD are developed, they are properly funded through the equitable share so as to avoid the situation where ECD obligations placed on provinces and municipalities are underfunded. To cost the Essential Package of ECD services there need to be clear “models” of service delivery that describe in very concrete terms what government needs to do. Ilifa Labantwana’s ongoing development of the required service delivery models is thus essential for the costing of ECD services.’ [Executive Summary]
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