
Author: Ebrahim, Hasina Banu [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Conflicting discourses of private nursery entrepreneurs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 
Year: 2010 
ISSN: 1463-9491 
Tracing historical shifts in early care and education in South Africa 
Year: 2010 
ISSN: 0259-479X 
Mapping knowledge transfer in early childhood education and care in South Africa 
Year: 2008 
You said, 'Black girl': doing difference in early childhood 
Year: 2008 
ISSN: 1753-5921 
Report on the practice, principles, methodologies, core interventions, networking, stakeholder analysis, cost drivers, outcomes and benefits of an intervention based on the concept of ECD programmes as resources for care and support of poor and vulnerable 
Year: 2008 
Constructions of childhood for and by children in two early childhood centres in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: an ethnographic study 
Year: 2006 
Research with under fours: some sense making moves 
Year: 2005 
ISSN: 0259-479X 
Child poverty and social exclusion in England and South Africa 
Year: 2005 
ISSN: 0259-479X