
Category: ECCE [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Dialogic reading and child language growth: combating developmental risk in South Africa 
Year: 2012 
ISSN: 20788208 
Disabled children's action group (DICAG) South Africa 
Year: 2001 
Discussion document for the inclusion of play in the qualifications for birth to four: inputs from members of PIECCE 
Early childhood care and education in Southern Africa: a colloquium report, Johannesburg 19-20 July 2007 
Year: 2007 
Early childhood development and education: the South African context 
Early childhood development as a strategy to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality 
Year: 2013 
Early childhood development in South Africa - progress since the end of apartheid 
Year: 2013 
ISSN: 1469-8463 
Early childhood development: Topical guide 
Year: 2012 
Early childhood education 
Edition: 3 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 0340889721 
ISBN 13: 9780340889725 
Early Childhood Education (ECE) in South Africa: Black student teachers’ views on push and pull forces in their training