Results for "F"

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Facilitating awareness in children from a low socio–economic environment using the art–making process 
Year: 2013 
Factors contributing to mainstream educators' reluctance to teach included learners with specific learning difficulties 
Year: 2005 
Factors facilitating the adjustment of immigrant children from Zimbabwe in the foundation phase to South African schools 
Factors influencing the implementation of mathematical word problems in foundation phase classrooms: theory and practice 
Year: 2012 
Factors shaping pre-service teacher identities in a South African HIV/AIDS context : an examination of experience, knowledge and perceptions 
Year: 2009 
Factors that influence the reporting of child sexual abuse amongst primary school teachers in South Africa : an application of the theory of planned behaviour 
Year: 2017 
Factors that influence the reporting of child sexual abuse amongst primary school teachers in South Africa : an application of the theory of planned behaviour 
Year: 2017 
Family and community motivators: the front line of support for vulnerable young children 
Year: 2007 
Family experiences and viewpoints of palliative and supportive care for children with cancer : can we do better? 
Year: 2017 
Family friendly : working with deaf children and their communities worldwide 
Year: 2008